Your Questions; Scriptures Answers – Saturday Morning Men’s  Study
Men’s Breakfast Study at El Mexican Restaurant Downtown Hastings
Who of us doesn’t find ourselves at times wondering about God and his Word, “What does this mean?” Who of us hasn’t found ourselves talking with someone who’s looking for answers from God that we just don’t have? If you have questions, God has answers. And that’s what men from St. John’s will be studying every Saturday morning from 8:00-9:00 am as we meet at the El Mexican Restaurant in Hastings. We’ll be using the book, “Your Questions, Scripture’s Answers” to look at a range of different questions people have asked about almost every topic relating to God’s Word. We’ll learn what answers God has for us while growing in our ability to handle questions on these topics from others. If you’re looking for more information, contact Pastor Zimpelmann – by phone 651 -829-4574 or email If you’re curious, just show on Saturday. God promises to bless the time you commit to studying his Word.
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